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Structure characteristics and application of utility technology new hot air baki

Time:2020-11-30 16:47:44 Source:

This paper introduces the features of new type hot air baking machine in structure design and electric synchronous drive. Compared with model 74, it has many advantages: good synchronous drive performance of motor; constant tension of fabric can be maintained by using automatic adjusting device of rotating torque; high count and high density fabric can run without crease; hot air temperature distribution is uniform and color difference is not easy to occur. Hot air baking machine is the key equipment for polyester blended fabric to be dyed with disperse dyes. The 74 type hot melt dyeing and baking machine has been used for several decades. Its own structural design and motor driving ability are not enough. In the process of use, there are some defects: one is the problem of motor driving; the other is the problem of mechanical structure: one is the low efficiency of the old-fashioned n-tube and red polonium line baking machine, the other is the problem of 74 type hot melt dyeing and baking machine The defects of L FF bottom baking machine restrict its use, so it can't be used as high-grade Ding seed; straight ut / c4040, 133100 high-density Fu Zhangguo can't be proud, wrinkled, belly heavy, product quality is not high, some color seeds with strict dye compatibility are easy to produce edge to middle color difference, and energy consumption is high [large amount of work. Model 96 hot canthus baking machine has made a lot of improvements to solve the above M problem. With the appearance of more new materials and electrical components, the improved design is more convenient and easier to manufacture rice. Jiangdu printing and Dyeing Machinery Co., Ltd. after more than a year of production and use, the effect is remarkable. It is the 96 type of improved i-juice machine. It is especially suitable for the production of polyester cotton and high density poplin. In addition, the company has not taken into account the automatic adjustment of the rotation torque of the vertical guide roller, and has implemented random control of the radial tension in the process of fabric processing. It has been used in some dyeing and printing factories in Shaoxing, and the effect is very good.

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