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What is the difference between baking and baking

Time:2020-11-30 16:45:34 Source:

Baking Pinyin for H ō NGB è I, which means baking, also known as baking, baking, refers to the process of drying and hardening materials by dry heating under the ignition point. Baking is an indispensable step in the production of bread and cake products. Through a series of chemical changes such as gelatinization of starch and denaturation of protein after baking, bread and cake reach the goal of ripening. In the vast majority of countries in the world, whether it is people's staple food or non-staple food, baked goods occupy a very important position, therefore, China's baked goods also ushered in a period of great development. Bakery food can be said to be an imported term from "baking", that is, cereals processed by baking, which is usually understood as Western-style cakes like bread. In short, bakery food is based on grain and oil, sugar, eggs and other raw materials, adding appropriate amount of accessories, and through the flour mixing, molding, baking and other processes to make a variety of tastes, rich nutrition food Drying refers to the process of removing solvent and retaining solid content in some way. It usually refers to the process of evaporating and taking away the moisture in the material by hot air.

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